There are not yet familiar arowana fish? Ah yes the time? Surely most of you already know him. Arowana fish is already very popular, and quite ornamental fish are very expensive? Why do some fish have a high price? Many things affect the price of a commodity, including fish. For Arwana, overpriced because the price of fish is still quite difficult to diijahkan? Ah macacih? No hard-kok ... very difficult. Or because the price of its parent expensive, so not much is membenihkannya? If this reason, it makes more sense. Emang so is not it? At the very least, the cost of investment for membudidayakannya indeed make us have to spend a little inside. However, if the cultivation of business success? Wow, imagine deh how much money you will gain.
Know Arwana, is relatively new to me. Yes, it has been since 1998 and hell. The first thing we should know to membudidayakannya is familiar with the type or species, to know their origins, differentiates male and female sexes, Spawning recognize their behavior, know the feeding habit and their behavior, and then practice how membudidayakannya. Simple is not it?
I selected this title to give ease of Arowana germinate for you. I think everyone is entitled to be able to recognize and to cultivate these fish. While it is still very difficult to detailed information about these fish. Yes, I guess that's business. In my opinion, very promising business Arowana. Imagine, the price it loh. Pretty sure, from the lumanyun. He he.
Besides Indonesia, other countries in Asia develop these fish. For Indonesia, Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua is an area where you can find these fish in Nature. It is remarkable country. Rich, though often not comparable between the rich and the not rich.
Why did I choose the way of seeding in the pool? Yes, because the container is relatively easy to make. Or even stay put kalee. But before I proceed, what is the difference pool with a bathtub?
Parent Care
Arowana parent Caring is not too difficult. If you keep it in the tub, the density of approximately 1 head / 3 m2. If in the pool, guard with density 1 tail / 5 m2. For security, like that you have closed with a net made of wire hapa or ram. High water tanks / ponds, ideally more than 0.5 m. To give the feel "comfortable" for arowana that you keep, place some decorative stone or wood which is also beneficial for fish comfort. It will also provide natural feel and protect the fish from direct sunlight.
Water Quality Management
Although classified arowana fish relatively tolerant to changes in water quality, but as like living things in general, then give the conditions the way they want is a wise step in maintaining a pet of any kind. For example, pH and water temperature, try to be in the range 6.8 - 7.5 and 27-29 ° C.
Feed and Feeding
Arowana parent can be given food from a variety of foods. The key is, that the food is nutritionally balanced. It is important to help him in preparing to be ready for spawning. The question is, what is most important to him to get to the egg cell maturation? Yes, protein. Protein about 32% is ideal for him.
Food that you can give the germ of guppy fish, goldfish, carp, or prawns. Commercial pellets you can also use as a supplement. Doses of their feed around 2-3% per weight / day with a frequency of 2 times.
Gonad maturity
Gonads mature age for Arowana about 4 years or a total length of about 45-60cm. In general, pembiakan season is around July to December. But make no mistake, if you have to manage it properly, each about three months can only harvest the seeds. Is it true? What was not possible Boss! All you need is to manage the feed, the environment, and the maturity cycle gonadnya. That's it.
If in nature, resulting in erami eggs in the mouth for 2 months or until able to swim freely, so you can help by keeping its eggs in the aquarium. You set up an aquarium that has good aeration systems, water quality is guaranteed and automatic water heater if necessary. So far I've experienced, it is not difficult.
Distinguishing Sex
At the still juvenile, of course, very difficult to distinguish gender. I even often joked to the questioner who happened to be girls, if he was "silent" when you hold it, then he male. Because he was at peace in your hand grip. That's just my joke only. There is no truth in it.
Arowana sex, can you differentiate after about 3-4 years old. Too long huh? Yes, indeed. If you want fast, you try to check the sex chromosomes. If you do this, the seeds just two months old already you can distinguish gender. Determination of sex in conventional, based on body shape and size of mouth opening. Well this is interesting. For certain strains, females who brood their eggs, but for other species precisely mengeraminya male. So, get to know your fish species. Arowana from Malaysia for example, that mengeraminya is the female parent. And thus, the size of opening his mouth will be larger than the male's
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