To many aquarium hobbyists, setting up an arowana tank may appear to be a confusing procedure that requires a lot of work and equipment. In reality, it is a lot simpler. There are five major items in the checklist for preparing an arowana tank that you need to know. The moment you have everything in this list prepared, you can start to arrange for the transportation of your arowana back into the tank. It usually takes a few days for the water in your new fish tank to cycled properly.
Arowanas are probably one of the largest fishes you would find in a home aquarium. Some of them can even grow up to a meter long. The most popular length for an arowana tank is four feet. This helps to make sure that the arowana has sufficient space to grow. Smaller tanks also restrict the rate of growth of an arowana which is why very rarely will you find people using anything less than four feet tanks.
The next item you have to decide on is the color of your tank's background. You will usually find hobbyists using dark colors like black for red arowanas and colors like blue or white for golden arowanas.
When you set up your fish tank, also make sure that it is resting on a cabinet that props the tank up to eye level. Arowanas are beautiful fishes and one of the reasons why so many people love them at home is because they are majestic fishes at adds to the aesthetics of any home. For your tank, also make sure that you have a cover on top of it at all times. This helps to prevent your fish from jumping out of the arowana tank.
Make sure you have an air pump for your fish as well. Whether it is a submersible pump or an external pump, set it up properly before introducing your arowana.
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